
The Interconnectedness of you and me…

My awakening journey is intricately woven with yours, a testament to the boundless potential residing within the human cells and body consciousness. For years, I dwelled solely in my mind until a pivotal moment in 2013/2014 when I learned to bridge my mind's awareness with my body's felt sense—a revelation born from studying the profound intricacies of the nervous system. This shift led me to new insights, unveiling uncharted territories within my own body, mind, and nervous system.

Embracing presence within my body ushered in novel experiences—sensations of pleasure, well-being, and heightened consciousness. It deepened my understanding of neuroception, providing real-time upgrades to my consciousness.

A significant milestone came when I experienced an intense release of kundalini energy, a spiritual force that surged from the base of my spine to the crown. It catapulted me into a state of euphoria, yet also opened gateways to past life and ancestral traumas that demanded navigation and regulation by my nervous system. Lacking a framework for this energy, my nervous system was overwhelmed, plunging me into despair, depression, and thoughts of self-harm.

In the depths of this struggle, a beacon of hope emerged in a podcast featuring clinical psychologist Bo Forbes, discussing the power of moving fluids in the body for healing. Initiating gentle touch and fluid movement miraculously shifted my brain state and revived my body's vitality. Delving deeper, I explored manual movement of my body's tissues, witnessing profound changes in my consciousness by aligning with my autonomic state.

This journey birthed a new framework—an integration of mind-body and body-mind approaches. I evolved my yoga practice to awaken aliveness and cellular connectivity within the fascial matrix and delved into energy healing through a groundbreaking program called Spirit Magic.

States of depression, anxiety, and physical discomfort have dissolved, courtesy of my profound relationship with cellular intelligence and the awakening of neuroplasticity within my nervous system.

With kundalini energy comes an acceleration of human potential, unveiling heightened sensitivity and intelligence. Embracing a conscious union with this divine feminine energy and connecting with the Earth propels a functional and accelerated awakening.

The Earth eagerly awaits our collective awakening, as do the cells within us, signaling a transformative shift awaiting humanity's embrace.