In an era witnessing unprecedented energetic and conscious shifts, I'm here to guide and support this sacred journey of transformation for others.

Hi, I’m Jessica…

Welcome to the Mapping Awakening website—an exploration into unlocking your fullest potential, essential for our world's evolution.

Driven by an unyielding dedication, I guide individuals through the profound metamorphosis of spiritual awakening also referred to by some as kundalini awakening—a journey that demands navigation through challenging terrain. As we traverse this path, I believe in the profound support that caring for your body’s sentience or fascia matrix provides in this process.

My passion fuels the quest to reignite the essence of feeling ALIVE, accessing innate GIFTS, and ascending to realms of SOVEREIGNTY. This journey is deeply intertwined with our fascial matrix—an omnipresent web that holds the key to unlocking our body's wisdom and supporting kundalini's flow throughout the subtle energy channels.

My calling is to stand by those forging pathways for a new consciousness era, starting by mastering our energy bodies and consciousness through the intricate fascial matrix. Together, let's explore the art of embracing vitality, embodying wisdom, and liberating ourselves from past and external influences.

your body: the Exquisite vessel of awakening

Spiritual awakening is a profound yet challenging journey, where the body and spirit undergo intense purifications and exquisitely beautiful inner transformations and awakenings. Cultivating a conscious connection with the body, particularly the intricate fascial network, enhances this awakening process. The fascia, encompassing every part of us, from cells to organs, serves as a sensory organ housing healing abilities for self-regulation.

During Kundalini's powerful purification, the fascia plays a crucial role in releasing imprints, memories, and energies. It holds not only the nervous system but also interfaces with energetic pathways like nadis, meridians, the aura, and chakras. This intricate system undergoes profound restructuring, allowing our being to resonate with higher energies and consciousness.

The fascia, a liquid crystalline matrix, communicates via electric plasma, guiding this transformative process. Learning to attune to the body's felt sense and offering manual movement support during intense purification grounds and calms the Kundalini energy, while also engaging in ways of relating to experience that bring about freedom, can alleviate much unnecessary suffering.

This site is a sanctuary for those seeking to anchor their spiritual awakening through an embodied journey.

Awakening Support

  • Embodiment Mentorship

    In these personalized sessions, discover the art of cultivating a loving connection with your body. Through touch, attunement, and inquiry, you’ll unlock the profound wisdom held within. Often, we’re not taught to engage with the conscious, living intelligence within us. Together, we’ll navigate and dissolve any inner critic energies, paving the way to a more compassionate self-relationship. This skill is indisensable during awakening phases especially.

  • Fascia Awakening Bodywork

    In the South Bay of San Francisco, I offer Fascia Awakening body work sessions that clear the body’s energy pathways of stagnant energy and awaken cellular communication and fluid flow from body to brain. These sessions are deeply regulating and will leave you feeling lighter, safer, and more embodied for days following. When there is ease in the body, the mind elevates and expands in its realms of perception.

  • Yoga Teacher Mentorship

    Are you a yoga teacher eager to infuse energy healing and nervous system regulation into your yoga classes? Join these sessions to discover how to ‘awaken’ the self-regulatory intelligence within the fascial matrix, enhancing your already creative and inspiring yoga classes! Experience the thrill of your students’ newfound awakening while receiving guidance on maintaining balance in your own system. Learn techniques to manage heightened spiritual energy during teaching, ensuring both you and your students benefit from a harmonious and transformative practice.

  • Energy & Spiritual Healing

    Are you aware of the ways you are stuck and do you often keep getting triggered in your relationships and life in ways that you can’t heal and move forward into more well-being and sovereignty. I work with cosmic consciousness to support clearing and deep healings of these things.

  • partner co-regulation mentoring

    Experience the transformative practice of Partner Co-Regulation. Are you longing for a deeper, healing connection with a loved one? Is your heart yearning for profound intimacy with your partner? These sessions are crafted to guide you both through healing touch and support, especially if either of you carries trauma from past experiences. Learn techniques to drain out the fight-flight-freeze from the fascial matrix and move into states of safety, connection, and harmony. This journey restores balance and healing to your relational field, expanding the potentiality of your relationship. Co-regulation emerges as a potent tool , awakening higher states of unity and consciousness within your partnership.

  • Kundalini Awakening Support

    Are you going through a kundalini awakening and find yourself feeling lonely, and constantly introduced to new energetic phenomena that you are having to navigate? I offer individual and soon group support in helping folks navigate the intensity of awakening with ease and skill.

living in conscious relationship with your body, opens the door to more playfulness, creativity, Freedom, and joy!